Multi Award Winning United Kingdom Designer

Want to work together!

Bank wallet screen design


We are witnessing a financial revolution before our eyes as various modes of online payment and currency become the new norm of our time.When designing for these new businesses, it is always a challenge to balance functionality with aesthetics and familiarity with uniqueness. The design has to be functional, engaging, easy to use,use, and distinct all at once. 

So, when a client approached me to design their bank wallet app, I knew I had to put my best foot forward. We discussed the objective, the target audience, the details of the design,design, and their vision of the final design.

Project Overview

Objective: To design a bank wallet screen that is visually pleasing, easy to use, and provides clear, actionable financial insights.  

Target Audience: Tech-savvy users who use digital banking to manage their finances.

Design Goals

Before I started preparing the mockups, I made a list of design goals that I needed to achieve during the process.


Final Design Features

The client reviewed the mockups and gave me their feedback. Based on which I prepared the final design. Here are some key features of the design: 

Personalised Greeting

The users get a personalised greeting (ex.,(ex., Hello Alexandria) upon opening the app. With the greetings,greetings, I also added their profile picture to make the design more engaging.  

Data Visualisation

A bar chart shows users their income vs. expenses. expenses. It’s simple yet effective. 

Simple Navigation

The icons at the bottom of the page help users easily navigate the app. 

Bank Balance Overview

The user's bank balance is found below the chart. It gives immediate access to essential information. The account number is also visible for quick reference. 

Modern design

The overall design has a minimalist style with a focus on clean lines and ample white space. This modern look is both visually appealing and functional..



The final design meets every goal that was set against it. It achieves easy navigation and data visualisation without losing aesthetic value. The final design was created to meet the client’s vision. 

If you need the perfect website that delivers the best user experience while maintaining your brand image, feel free to contact me.
