Multi Award Winning United Kingdom Designer

Want to work together!

Kids Smartwatch - Parent Companion App


Project Overview

This case study is for a parent companion app I designed for kids’ smartwatches. The idea was to create a user-friendly design with functional features where parents can access their kids’ smartwatches and receive notifications.


Target audience

The target audience were parents and caregivers of children aged 5-12. The app can give them access to multiple devices at once so even families with multiple children can easily use it.


The objective for this project is to create an app where parents will have access to the children’s health data for example the temperature, the heartbeats, and activities etc. The different profiles had to be designed with multiple colour options to keep them separate and organised. Based on user interviews, the client also wanted to add an emergency button with which the children can easily contact their guardians.



The challenges for these projects were

Creating an out-of-the box layout while avoiding clutter

Keeping the interface fun, interactive as well as functional

Ensuring that the interface is easy to use



I had solutions for every challenge.

To make the layout interactive, I added a tilted effect for some of the sections.

The vibrant deep pink and deep yellow colours create distinct profile personas for every kid and avoid any confusion.

The app has familiar, well known icons to ensure smooth user experience

They also have access to the kids’ health data and every information is made easy to take in.

In case a child wants emergency help the caregivers immediately get a notification marked with the alert button.



The final result is a clutter-free, user-friendly mobile app interface, made specifically for children and caregivers. This app has features that are custom-made for its user which makes it stand out from every other smartwatch companion app. This product makes communication between children and parents easier and is proven to be very useful for working parents. 

The final design was created by collaborating with the client and creating a design that they envisioned. Their final remarks were more than satisfactory.

If you need the perfect website that delivers the best user experience while maintaining your brand image, feel free to contact me.