Multi Award Winning United Kingdom Designer

Want to work together!

Vivino - Wine Ecommerce app


E-commerce and wine are a perfect partnership of ease and luxury. Vivino’s wine collection brings their customers together. together. To make their customer service even better and to reach a broader audience, Vivino wanted a mobile app.



Vivino’s mobile app had to be user-friendly, easy to use, and simple. In designing mobile apps for e-commerce brands,brands, that’s always essential. There’s also the aspect of the showcase. Every product needs to look enticing. While designing for a luxury product like wine, the product showcase had to be just perfect.



My intention was to make customers feel at ease. SimplicitySimplicity and familiarity were very important. The customer had to feel like they already knew how to navigate the app. The keywords were hassle-free, clutter-free, and efficient.


Design Solution

The app has four sections: the home page, the wine cellar/product section, the cart,cart, and navigation. Every product is shown with the price and a “+” sign where they can add the number of bottles before ordering. I conducted A/B testing to make sure that the design is user-friendly. 

The Wine Delivery section has two options: pick--up and home delivery. delivery. The “click & collect” section lets the users choose a collection point and an hour-long slot to pick up their package. 

Users can always look back at their favourite wine orders and keep track of their orders. Repeat orders and bookkeeping couldn’t get easier.



The idea was to bring luxury and simplicity together. The app is designed for users to have a smooth experience on the app while they kick back and order their favourite wine. The crimson and white colour scheme goes really well with the theme and creates visual coherence. The final design is exactly what Vivino needed. 

If you need the perfect website that delivers the best user experience while maintaining your brand image, feel free to contact me.
